Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Before and After Pictures

We recently introduced the Jeweler in the Dishwasher Basket to the market.  We thought we would post some of the before and after pictures of the jewelry that was cleaned, to show how well the product works.  The only thing used to clean the rings below was the Jeweler in the Dishwasher, a toothbrush, and some water.  The product is an excellent method for cleaning fine jewelry.

Nobice the dirt caked
around the stone.
The dirt is completely gone.
Once the rings were taken out of  the Jeweler in the Dishwasher, they were brushed with a toothbrush to remove any remaining residue.

You can easily see the dirt between each diamond.
The dirt is gone and you can see how large the
openings are between the stones, this area was
caked with dirt prior to cleaning.